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Re: [hack-and-tell] Confusing subject matter in Programming/Computing

From: Nissim K.
Sent on: Thursday, October 9, 2014, 1:49 PM
Hi Folks,

Thanks, Andrew, this is an interesting topic.  The area that causes a lot of confusion for me is the subject of jargon, synonyms and homonyms.  Whenever you are working on a programming task to solve a business problem, the first thing you have to do is understand the business problem.  This often just means understanding the jargon used by the people who are explaining the problem to you.  This process is difficult enough when you have to keep asking people to define terms for you, but you will inevitably run into situations where there are synonyms and homonyms making it more complicated.  Sally calls this concept XYZ, Bob calls it ABC, but they're talking about the same thing.  Worse, when Bob says XYZ he's talking about a totally different thing.  This situation is complicated further when you have to read and modify code that someone else wrote.  Frequently, they understood the jargon only slightly better than you and they used the wrong words in the function and variable names in the program.  



On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 1:09 PM, Sergey Chernyshev <[address removed]> wrote:
On a topic of parallelism and concurrency, it's probably worth adding how browsers render things, e.g. how do they download HTML, CSS and images and combine them into a picture on the screen. It's freaking complicated even without JavaScript nightmare on top of that. So all DOM, CSSOM, paint events, hardware acceleration, speculative parsing and all - most of the time, even skilled front-end developers don't go much further then DOM.

Making things do 60fps animations or just re-painting on scroll or interaction is tough and this knowledge is quite critical.

Here's a link from Google over the pond: and

On Thu, Oct 9, 2014 at 12:37 PM, Rob Terhaar <[address removed]> wrote:
Great topic Andrew.

On Oct 9, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Jay Goel <[address removed]> wrote:
2. Exceptions. When is "finally" actually called? Is it always executed? Or only if an exception occurs? Lots of per-language weirdness.

Generally understanding event linearity is a hard thing for our minds to understand. We understand reality as a linear series of events. Even when we consider things happening in parallel, our mind understands that as a single event that happened. 

I highly recommend Rob Pike's talk on the subject.
"Concurrency Is Not Parallelism"

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