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Investment Club Webinar and my club

From: Tasha
Sent on: Wednesday, October 28, 2015, 2:12 PM

Hi, usually I post in Blacks in Technology but I just wanted to share this Investment club info, just in case anyone wants to start one on join mine. My long term vision is to invest largely in black business owners and entrepreneurs. But, before I get there I have to learn about investment and build up mucho capital. Email me specifically if you want to find out more info on my club, [address removed]. I will start in 2016. 


Starting An Investment Club

Join us for a webinar on Oct 28, 2015 at 7:00 PM EDT.

Register now!

Join our webinar to learn how you can join an investment club and invest with your friends. 

Investment clubs provide a safe and supportive environment for investors to learn the skill of stock investing in a collaborative environment where investors of any experience level can share their knowledge with each other. An investment club is the perfect structure to help facilitate the ideal environment where “learning” meets “doing”.  

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

View System Requirements

Let dreams fly,

Natasha Green
Founder & CEO
Hidden Gems Archery & WeIntervene
[address removed]