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RSVP now for the Hacks/Hackers Holiday Fête, Dec. 20!

From: Chrys W.
Sent on: Wednesday, December 8, 2010, 8:53 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Hacks/Hackers - New York!

What: Hacks/Hackers Holiday Fête

When: Monday, December 20,[masked]:00 p.m.

Where: Galapagos Art Space

Indulge in year-end festivities with Hacks/Hackers NYC at the spectacular Galapagos Art Space in Dumbo, Brooklyn on Dec. 20 at 7 p.m.

The Hacks/Hackers Holiday Fête will be DJed by Rana Sobhany and sponsored Gawker Media, Scribd, CUNY Graduate School of Journalism and Nearsay.

Say goodbye to the old and welcome the new with your fellow hacks and hackers. Mingle in a two-level 9,000-square foot Obie Award-winning cultural venue. Claim a spot in the island seating on the 1,600-square foot lake. Groove to Rana Sobhany's iPad DJing. Eat delectable treats provided by Crave Catering of Carroll Gardens.

Cash bar. No charge at the door, but there's limited capacity. Please RSVP at Eventbrite. Priority entry will be given to those on the guest list.

Have something you'd like to contribute to the party? Prizes, sponsorship, video art displays, volunteering? We'd love to hear form you. This is a community effort. Email nyc[at]hackshackers[dot]com.

And now some notes from our sponsors, who are providing the food and music:
Scribd — which draws worldwide audiences to your source material, graphics, and research — is growing its partner program for media brands and journalists.

Gawker Media is seeking talented engineers. Interested? Learn more at the party.

Create your own media empire: CUNY Graduate School of Journalism folks will be at the party to announce fully-funded fellowships for the school's new M.A. and Certificate in Entrepreneurial Journalism, where you can take business courses and win funding for your startup venture. Watch the info session.

And NearSay, New York City's Insider Neighborhood News site which launched in September, will be giving away bottles of champagne, tickets to shows, T-shirts, and other fun prizes.

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