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A Day out at Birdworld

Photo of Peter
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A Day out at Birdworld


At last we are going to Birdworld! This meetup was planned back in 2020 but had to be cancelled after the outbreak of COVID.

LOCATION: ///squad.zaps.headsets

Birdworld is the biggest bird-park in the UK and is home to around 180 species of different birds, many of which are endangered species.

The birds provide many photo opportunities but also challenges as for many you will be shooting through the netting of the aviaries. So the challenge is to produce photographs that appear as natural as possible with as few human artefacts as possible such as wire or brick walls.

There are several open areas where guests can wander through enclosures, such as Seashore Walk where many of the birds will fly, creating more photographic challenges and Penguin Beach. There are specific feeding times for pelicans and penguins, when knowledgeable staff give talks about the animals. There is a small farm area where you can wander amongst chickens, goats, sheep and rabbits.

So altogether lots of opportunities to photograph the animals in different settings as well as seeing and learning about the wide range of birds.

Meetup Cost: £3 per person going - cash on the day please.
Entrance: £19.95 (17.95 concessions). On line here: or on the door. I would recommend booking in advance.

There is a café on site, serving light meals and sandwiches as well as kiosks selling ice creams and drinks. Please remember to wash hands before eating or to use the hand sanitisers. Toilet facilities are available at several locations in the park

So we'll meet up at 10.30 either in the café which is at the back of the reception area , or outside just behind the café. We'll try to walk around together but inevitably people may split from the main group and so we'll aim to set a time to meet for lunch.

After the meetup please upload your photos to the album and please comment on the photos from other people, making positive suggestions on how the photos might be improved, so that we all learbn from each other.

Everyone is welcome on this meetup - whatever your equipment or experience. If anyone needs advice or help please don't be afraid to ask anyone in the group as we can all offer some of our experience

If it is sunny please don't forget water, hat and sunscreen.

I'm looking forward to seeing you on 8th June. I'll email my telephone number to 'yes' RSVPs a few days before the meetup.


Photo of The Surrey and Hampshire Photography Group group
The Surrey and Hampshire Photography Group
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Saturday, June 8, 2024
8:30 AM
Holt Pound Lane, A325 · Farnham
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