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New Event: All Girl Cocktail Mixer!

From: Marcelle J. S.
Sent on: Thursday, December 13, 2007, 12:47 PM
Announcing a new event for Happy Hours in Seattle!

What: All Girl Cocktail Mixer!

When: Sunday, January 6, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Event Description: Hello Ladies!

How are you! You have been invited by the NEW TO SEATTLE & PUGET SOUND MEETUP GROUP to come out and make some new friends!

Yes, friends come and go but those soul mate/blood sisters are hard to find! The one that you can really talk to? The shopping buddy? The friend that you can talk for hours about absolutely nothing important? Or that wing gal? Workout buddy? Marathon partner? The friend that will make you laugh in times when you really want to cry? And the most importantly the one that will keep their paws off your men?

This is a great opportunity to make a new friend in the area! There are alot of girls in this group that are just fabulous!

I have been lucky to have met some really great girls since I've been here! Love ya'll! *Hugs*

If you are single or married or coupled up........AND A GIRL, you should come out!

I would love to meet you!


Marcelle, Happy Hour - Asst Organizer
Organizer-New To Seattle

*******If you aren't a girl........Please show us the respect we deserve by not crashing this event.....Thanks for your understanding!***********

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