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New Meeting: Singles Mixer! 21 - 35ish Range!

From: Marcelle J. S.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 4, 2008, 2:38 PM
Announcing a new meeting for Happy Hours in Seattle!

What: Singles Mixer! 21 - 35ish Range!

When: Tuesday, June 24, 6:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone from 21-35ish.

Why: Great way to meet single people.

Meeting Description: Greetings!

How are you all doing! So! I have had several request to do this Singles mixer. Don't shoot the messenger!

Let's do this mixer from 6pm - 10pm. **Reminder! The Happy Hour ends at 7pm!**

**This mixer recommend age for 21 - mid 30s. If you are in your upper 30s and you prefer to be at this mixer, then feel free to come. There will be separate mixer for the rest of the single people.**

Please remember to give people their space so everyone has a chance to talk to everyone!

Let's keep this light & fun!

We have the Downtowners & New TO Seattle & Happy Hour & 20s and 30s Girlfriend Group attending.

WE will see you all there!


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