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New Meetup: Belltown Billards (FREE pizza, salad and pool)

From: Laura
Sent on: Monday, March 8, 2010, 12:01 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Happy Hour Group!

What: Belltown Billards (FREE pizza, salad and pool)

When: Thursday, March 11,[masked]:00 PM

Belltown Billiards
90 Blanchard St
Seattle, WA 98121

As beer enthusiasts, our goal is to make the rounds of great beer in Seattle. Our home location is Taphouse Grill, but we visit different breweries and pubs every other week. This week we're trying something a little different. Why? Because it's FREE....

Belltown Billards There will be free pizza, salad and FREE POOL until 8:30pm. Get there early so you don't miss out on the pizza. Once it's gone, it's gone.

We'll get there at 6pm and will probably stay until at least 9pm, so join us when you can!

This is a regular event, every Thursday, so if you can't come out this week watch for the details of next week's location. We'll be back to Taphouse next week.

For more info email us: [address removed]

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