What we’re about
In the one and half seconds before I thought I was going to die...in that blink of an eye, I saw how life could be lived in balance, peace and abundance. It was reveled to me how to teach people to heal, themselves.
Today, I bring that knowledge and experience to you, via this dramatic Zoom hosted event. This event is chuck full of value, if I were to put a monetary value on it, it would be well over $350. But today, it is free, I encourage you to grab this experience, it is a gift to you. You are worth it!
Awaken the Healing Power within yourself
• Awaken your body, mind and spirit’s innate healing power
• Develop a healthier and more fulfilling relationship with yourself...this is key.
• Learn to work constructively with your own emotions, traumas and past
• See how to heal from chronic conditions/diseases
• Develop new resources and capabilities
Our bodies communicate with us all the time. Many of us are so over stimulated and stressed out that we cannot hear what our bodies and true-selves are saying. We age faster and suffer many chronic health problems.
Many of us have never learned how to work with difficult issues and emotions. We tend to push these things down inside of ourselves. This residue accumulates, within our bodies and our energy systems.
These residues can arrest our process of growth and development and disconnect us from the divine creative intelligence of the universe. It also causes our bodies to break down and age at a more rapid pace and can lead to chronic and serous health conditions.
Our innate healing powers are often compromised by stress, preprogramming, society's expectations as well as traumas. Learn to identify what you are doing, unwittingly to yourself, and how to correct the course of your life. Activate the healing intelligence and regenerative healing powers that reside within the body, mind and true internal/ eternal self. Access and heal the emotions and core issues that are held within the body.
John Foster is a mixture of science and the intangible. His previous career as a wildlife researcher and field biologist combine seamlessly with his passion as a Healer. This transition from biologist to Healer is a true tale of transformation, alchemy and personal journey. Surviving a hellacious auto accident, that should have killed him, was a catalyst that would propel him into a spiritual awakening to serve others as a healer. As an apprentice healer, he studied at the elbow of a master healer in a 700 bed major metropolitan hospital. There he developed his specialty of working with people who have chronic ailments; such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve damage, addictions, auto-immune complexes, digestive disorders and others; including both physical or emotional dis-ease as well.
Today, as a healer, he works with clients across the country with a unique, powerful heart-centered process that combines equal parts healer and life coach. This process helps people reconnect to their, true self, intrinsic health and well-being.
Please visit Vermont Healing for more about working with John Foster.