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Learn Quantum Prayer

From: Steve
Sent on: Friday, August 15, 2014, 9:11 AM
I received the message below earlier this week and - as requested by the Meetup group leader / event presenter Joshua Kai, ND - I'm sharing the offering with our Meetup group members.

See info and link below...


Stress Solutions, LLC |[masked]

Making positive choices easy!

From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Subject: New messages from Joshua
Date: Tue, 12 Aug[masked]:44:02 -0400

New messages from Joshua
Hi Steve! My name is Dr. Joshua Kai, ND and I am providing a new workshop upcoming in September based on my new book "The Quantum Prayer" and my own channeling work and life experiences which led me to this new light and information. 

My workshop is provided to help assist with the further awakening process and shifts into the higher dimensions and consciousness that we are all experiencing at this time in our evolution. If you feel like this workshop would be something of interest to your group members, please feel free to share the link to my workshop with your group. I would greatly appreciate it! Also, if you have any questions, feel free to contact me directly. 

My email address is [address removed] Thank you.. and Be Well! 

August 12,[masked]:40 PM

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