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What we’re about

## “Connection is the energy between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued. ― Brené Brown

Welcome to Brighton Authentic Relating and Conscious Connections Community!

Authentic Relating is a practice that promotes genuine connections, empathetic listening and understanding between people. It involves being present, honest, and vulnerable in interactions with others.

These structured and guided interactions offer tools and a conscious way to connect and explore inner feelings, self-perceptions, sensations, and beliefs. They are designed to deepen interpersonal connections and personal awareness.

Every encounter is an opportunity for growth, every conversation a gateway to understanding, and every shared moment a chance to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of our collective human experience.

In our meetings, you'll find a space where vulnerability is embraced, curiosity is cherished, and authenticity is the guiding light. We promote self-discovery, empathy, and meaningful engagement through Conscious Connections, which includes interactive workshops, group discussions, and one-on-one conversations.

What Makes Our Authentic Relating Group Different

  • Our Authentic Relating group is designed to promote a small and intimate community limited to 18 to 28 participants. This allows us to co-create an environment where everyone can feel seen and heard. 
  • One of the key aspects of our group is that we are phone-free. We believe in the importance of privacy and being fully present, so we do not use devices, take pictures, or film events during our exercises.
  • We offer a variety of tools to support connectedness in a simple, caring, and genuine environment. Our tutor brings years of experience and training in numerous modalities, including Counselling, Egyptian Essene Therapies, Hypnotherapy, and Energy Healing. This ensures that our sessions are enriched with deep insights and tailored practices.
  • We aim to encourage tolerance and understanding between participants. Our approach is rooted in the belief that the beauty of authenticity lies in our humanity and imperfect nature. We understand that mistakes can happen as we learn to be and relate to one another. We may feel challenged and uncomfortable, but we embrace them as part of the learning and growing process. 
  • We deeply believe in each being's sacredness and the creative potential that lies within. We aim to share the importance of connecting with our sacred and creative nature, allowing the soul to be seen and expressed. By participating in our group, you will experience a space where your true self is honoured and your creative spirit can be explored.

Please make sure that your only intention for attending our events is to connect and share authentically with others.

Upcoming events (4)

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