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'Improving Your Energy Healing Business' Meeting Tonight

From: Cathy R.
Sent on: Monday, July 21, 2014, 10:08 AM

Hi Everybody!

In preparation for tonight’s meeting I have pages and pages of material I have gathered from different sources (as well as the big Source). As I worked on identifying the questions I thought you would want answers to, I began to ask myself some really tough questions.  What is holding me back? Why isn’t my business taking off as fast as I want? Why aren’t I making the amount of money I feel my services are worth? That last question is a BIG ONE.


There are a numbers of layers to the money aspect of our businesses. My intention for tonight is to touch on a number of them-as well as other topics. Of course this meeting is for those who attend (and as we have found-those who can benefit the most are always the ones who show up!) So the larger intention is to talk about what the group wants to cover. There is so much we can talk about and as has been suggested, this may be the start of an ongoing learning/sharing process. So we may decide to meet for lunch periodically to continue the discussion and mutual support.


But I would like to give all of you who have RSVP’d and those who haven’t but are interested in starting a spiritually based business or who already have one, something to think about. After reading and listening to videos all week, I woke up this morning with the idea that I should check Melody Fletcher’s blogs for something on the subject. And that guidance led me to the attached blog. Please take a few minutes to read it today-it is a good one!


I am excited about this meeting and the fact that so many others appear to be as well (lots of RSVPs so far). And we all should be excited! The intention of doing what we love-helping others- is why we are here!  And doing it for a living is also part of our purpose-I think Melody describes this beautifully. There is so much to talk about-let’s get started tonight at 7:30 at my house!


In Love, Light and Joy,





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