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Fwd: Memorial Service for Hatti Orelup

From: Paula B.
Sent on: Thursday, November 6, 2014, 5:19 PM
Dear hearts, I know that some of you knew my friend Hatti.  Below is the info about her memorial service this weekend in case you want to attend. Maybe I'll see you there.

Love and Light,

Sent from my T-Mobile 4G LTE Device

-------- Original message --------
From: LIGHTWORKERS SANCTUARY <[address removed]>
Date:11/06/2014 12:22 PM (GMT-06:00)
To: [address removed]
Subject: Memorial Service for Hatti Orelup

Memorial Service for
Harriette Orelup
Memorial Service at 1 pm
Saturday, November 8th, 2014
Food & Fellowship to follow

Location is at Hattie and Steve Orelup's (Hatti's Son) House:

13009 Glenside Drive
Farmers Branch, TX 75234

Memorial service at 1pm with fellowship til 4pm if you would like to stop in and pay your condolences. Feel free to bring food to contribute.
Harriette "Hatti" Orelup
Harriette was a talented and gifted Light Worker. Her talents included being a Licensed Massage Therapist, Reiki Master, Certified Holographic Sound Healer, Energy Empath, Intuitive Channel and much MUCH more.

Harriette also loved working with the 'Hathors' as she continued to reach higher levels of octaves. The Hathors work with people through vocal sounds. What happens when the 'Hathors' energy comes through a voice is that it sets up a field, and those who are in the field, meaning in the room, experienced a very powerful, catalytic effect. The energy field that was created around her body could be felt by others, whether they are into the belief system of it or not. It is a physical sensation; a powerful experience with the sound. We will miss Hatti and her beautiful energy! It has been an honor and a blessing to have her as part of Lightworkers Sanctuary. We Love you Hatti!

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LIGHTWORKERS SANCTUARY | 7336 Main St | The Colony | TX | 75056