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10-Day Business Challenge for Women Coaches (FREE)

Photo of Warren Nel
Hosted By
Warren N.
10-Day Business Challenge for Women Coaches (FREE)


"How do I put myself out there and launch my online coaching business?"

As a coach whose invested thousands of dollars and hours into growing my business, I know what it feels like to be overwhelmed with fear and confusion on how to start, and where to start.

If you're a women coach or consultant and want a simple step-by-step approach on how to build a highly profitable online business from SCRATCH, then make sure you don't miss out on the “Build Your Online Business Online Business” 10 Day Challenge.

It's valued at $497, but we're giving a handful of spots away as complimentary scholarships (yes, they’re FREE of cost)


Day 1: Let's get to know each other
Day 2: Welcome to the 12-day challenge
Day 3: How to Maximize Your Growth in the Challenge
Day 4: Lesson 1 - How to Discover Your Superpower & Find Your Niche
Day 5: Lesson 2 - How to Position Yourself as an Expert
Day 6: LIVE Zoom call - Special Teaching & Group Mentorship
Day 7: Lesson 3 - How to Sell Like a Pro without being Salesy
Day 8: Lesson 4 - How to Scale Your Business to the Moon
Day 9: How to Take the Next Step
Day 10: BONUS Session - The Vlog Challenge 🔥

If you’d like to reserve a spot, you can book a quick call here:

Note: registrations may stop soon depending on sign up rate and availability

In the meantime, feel free to reach out to me personally if you have any questions:

📱 +971568149105 (Whatsapp only)

Photo of Making Money Online (Coaches & Freelancers) group
Making Money Online (Coaches & Freelancers)
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Every 1st Wednesday of the month

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10 spots left