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What we’re about

This group is for you IF you are a coach, trainer, freelancer (or other service provider), and you WANT TO:

✅ get PAID clients (without using social media or technical websites)
✅ turn your passion and expertise into a profitable online business (but you're not sure where or how to get started)
✅ have more predictable income and scale your existing business
✅ put yourself out there and stand out as the GO-TO authority in your niche

And if you're TIRED of:

👎🏼 Information overload: being overwhelmed with all the info out there (and you just want a clear step-by-step process to follow to get results)
👎🏼 giving out free (pro bono) sessions and not getting paid your worth
👎🏼 wasting time and energy on non-income-generating activities (and you want focus on the top 20% of things that actually make money)

If this is NOT for you, please feel free to leave the group 🙏🏼

But if this resonates with you, then look out for the EVENTS that I'll be posting, and be sure to follow the steps in order to gain access

My name is Warren Nel. My mission is simple:

I help coaches/trainers/freelancers get consistent PAID clients so they have the freedom, independence, and control to do what they love full-time and change the world in their own unique way.

… all WITHOUT using social media, or paid ads, or ‘fancy’ technical websites. And even if you have no business experience and you're not tech savvy

🏆Am I certified? Yes, by the World's #1 Expert on Leadership, Dr. John C. Maxwell.

🤝Testimonials on this page 👉🏼

👤More about me (and my backstory) 👉🏼

☎️Want to connect personally? Feel free to get in touch with me by dropping me a message on +971568149105 (Whatsapp only) or an email at

📱Connect with me here for FREE tips & strategies:

🎁Want a FREE gift?
I recently conducted a live webinar in partnership with ICF Lebanon where I shared my $997 framework on how to Get Paid Clients in 30-60 days without using social media (or paid ads, or technical websites)

You can watch this step-by-step guide for FREE here on this page:

🤝 For a scholarship for step-by-step guidance, book a call here:

Upcoming events (4+)

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