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Wim Hof Fundamentals: Ice bath, breathwork, yoga, cacao ceremony

Photo of Emily Holden
Hosted By
Emily H.
Wim Hof Fundamentals: Ice bath, breathwork, yoga, cacao ceremony


Wim Hof Method+Yoga Workshops
In stunning Altafulla on the Costa Daurada

The breath is your friend. The cold is your friend.
Are you ready to meet them?

A 4hr workshop packed with POWERFUL PRACTICES:

allows us to go deeper into the breathing and ice bath practices
your body and mind are already open and aware.

Wim Hof Method Breathing
to fight inflammation
ignite your creativity
and release energy from deep within your cells.

Ice bath immersion
to power up your immune response
to go beyond what you think is impossible
to learn how to respond to stress in a healthy, adaptive way.

Cacao ceremony
to honour and acknowledge our time together
to deeply nourish body and soul
to feel heard, seen and cared for in our sacred circle.

You could read the studies about the benefits of these practices.
You could learn all about the science behind why we do them.
What biochemicals are involved, how your hormone levels are affected.
What your body does when you breathe deeply, consciously.
What your body does when you enter the cold.
Or you could join us and FEEL how your body responds.
Feeling happier.

Feeling healthier. Feeling stronger.

Join us at a stunning yoga studio surrounded by gorgeous gardens and a pool in Altafulla, 1hr from Barcelona.
Before booking, we will check the contraindications with you to make sure you’re safe to participate in these powerful practices.
To pay, we take a €30 non-refundable (but transferable) deposit via Bizum. Please bring the remaining €60 in cash on the day.
If your plans change, please let us know as soon as possible. We’ll do our best to accommodate you at another workshop, so you don’t lose your deposit.

Photo of Healthy & Happy on the Costa Daurada group
Healthy & Happy on the Costa Daurada
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Every 3rd Saturday of the month

Villa Isabel
Camí Hort del Senyor, 6 · Altafulla
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