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Yin Yang: Sound Bath, Tao Soul Song, Chant and Blessing

Photo of Lionsa
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Yin Yang: Sound Bath, Tao Soul Song, Chant and Blessing


Dear beautiful Souls.
We love you.
We wish to nourish you and assist your Soul's development in this body, in this lifetime, at this powerful and transformative era, humanity is in.
We welcome you to replenish and rejuvenate your Soul, heart, mind, energy and physical bodies through this two hour event, held online as well as in person.

For the first hour, you'll received guidance from Fiona Haasz (Transpersonal Art and Dance Therapist and Tao Hands Practitioner) and Kate Howard (Tao Hands Practitioner) as you experience a Yang form of active meditation, through chanting songs of Master Sha. The focus will be on his Soul Song of Yin Yang which activates the Chi channel and much more. Songs of the Ten Da and other chants will be incorporated in to this first hour to assist in Soul-based cleansing and energising.

In the second hour, you'll be immeasurably nourished by a combination of a Sound Bath created by experienced Sound Healer, Trish Douglass, and Soul Song of Fiona and Kate (Improvised sounds from our Souls, which are usually offered during a blessing).

As an optional extra you'll be invited to receive (for an extra fee of $40) a Tao Hands blessing for a health condition, relationship, finances or other area you would like to boost or clear, during this time. Fiona normally requests $50 for a Tao hands blessing, so this fee is small especially as it will be extra powerful receiving it in a group, and from two practitioners at once, and for a whole 60 minutes.

An an optional extra, in person participants will be able to share in a pot luck vegan dinner, should there be interest, after the event.

Photo of Heart of Transformation group
Heart of Transformation
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Every 1st Sunday of the month

24 Fairway St · Frankston, VI
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