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Your expression tales with Heartily Emotions

Photo of Priyanka Solanki
Hosted By
Priyanka S. and Heartily E.
Your expression tales with Heartily Emotions


Greetings, lovely individuals!

In this session, our sole agenda is to embrace and celebrate the power of expression. Your unique way of expressing yourself is our utmost priority.

The more you let your true self shine, the more joyous the event becomes. Your happiness is our happiness, and we encourage you to fearlessly unleash your freedom of expression.

Join us in this event and inspire us with your authentic and expressive presence. Let us create a space where everyone feels empowered to be as expressive as you are.

Rest, the communication will follow.

These are our Social Media links, in case you are wondering :)
🟢WhatsApp Group: -
🟣Instagram: -
🔵Facebook: -
🔵LinkedIn: -

Photo of Heartily Emotions group
Heartily Emotions
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Every week on Saturday

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50 spots left