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What we’re about

Too many women spend three, six or even 10 years in tatters after separation or divorce, asking themselves everyday "how exactly do I move on from this?", "how do I piece my heart back together?"

Unfortunately, no actual solutions are ever offered, apart from unhelpful clichés and platitudes like "just let go", "it gets better", "time heals all wounds", which are all statements of outcome without process or endless rounds of inefficient talk sessions.

Welcome to The HeartSpa!

This group is not just another support group where people offer clichés and platitudes that brush off your pain; it's a platform for moms who are seeking a genuine and practical pathway to healing.

If you are a mom and you're tired of hearing the same old sayings like "let go", "it gets better', "forgive and forget," "time heals all wounds," and "you're stronger than you know" etc., this group is exactly what you've been searching for.

Going through a divorce is tough, and the aftermath can leave you grappling with emotions you never expected to face. Like me, in the past, you probably miss just feeling okay and are desperate for something more than empty assurances from well-meaning friends.

In this group we will help you to:

  1. PACIFY YOUR MEMORIES - so that when you remember your relationship and separation, there is no sting and your past no longer holds you back. You are now free to focus on your present and create the life you want for yourself and your kids
  2. QUICKLY NEUTRALIZE YOUR TRIGGERS - So that the things your Ex said, did or did not do, the objects, places, and people associated with your relationship, no longer make you cry your eyes out, set you off or create a negative reaction in you. You are now so poised, so unbothered, and at peace.
  3. TAKE YOUR POWER BACK - So that you can rekindle your inner fire, reignite your self-esteem, know your worth, unleash your full potential and no longer settle for less in this life, because you have now experienced what it feels like to be enough and you know that you deserve the best.

And soooooo much more!

Everything you need to know, do, and be, to move on sooner after the end of your relationship. No unhelpful clichés, no empty platitudes, and no endless rounds of talk sessions. Actual practical heart healing, online, LIVE.

Join today,
Move on Sooner.

I am Clairine
Single mom of six
Closure Coach