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Plant Meditation Circle (Every other Wednesday @Rooted Remedies)

Photo of James
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Plant Meditation Circle (Every other Wednesday @Rooted Remedies)


To "sit" in meditation with a plant is to learn directly from the plants themselves. This is a practice of learning to connect with the essence or spirit of the plant. When we practice the type of connection, we develop the skills to understand how to observe, with the senses, the knowledge the plant wishes to impart to us - Their gift to us is learning how to receive their intuitive wisdom!

We do this work as a community which helps raise out intentions and energy. This in turn assists us in connection with the plants. After our meditation, we will have a sharing circle exploring our unique impressions of each plant.

This is a great way to learn about the plants and be part of a community.

As we will be sitting in meditation for about 20-30 minutes please bring something comfortable like a yoga mat, blanket, meditation pillow etc to sit or lie down on. There are a couple of chairs if you prefer to sit a in a chair.


We are using a Pay From The Heart sliding scale option:

To make the Plant Meditations more accessible, I've implemented the "Pay From The Heart". Please choose the ticket price that resonates most with you. Seed - Discounted prices for those experiencing financial hardship but still want to connect with the plants and community. Grow & Bloom- Helps pass it forward to make sure the herb walks/education remain accessible for the whole community

$5 - Seed
$10- Grow
$15- Bloom

Photo of Herbalism & Plant Spirit Medicine group
Herbalism & Plant Spirit Medicine
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Every 2 weeks on Wednesday

Rooted Remedies Apothecary
271 W 8th Ave · Eugene, OR
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