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Deep Healing with Higher Selves' Soul Scans for all who attend!

Photo of Janet Richmond
Hosted By
Janet R.



In 2006, Joan Culpepper died. She was extra-ordinary psychic who reflected an immense amount of information from the Higher Selves in the 1980s. I attended all her groups, immersed myself in the information, used all the exercises offered and moved forward in my life in extra-ordinary ways. When she died, her daughter gave me the rights to her information. I have since dedicated myself to paying forward this invaluable resource by writing books, doing meetups, giving both workshops and private sessions. With this 9th meetup series, I am going back to doing soul scan healings, my first love. I call myself the Higher Self Voice because the wisdom and techniques are from the 5th Dimension – the evolutionary dimension after the human kingdom.

How does this meetup work? It’s simple. I give everyone who attends gets a personal healing. And it can be for anything - physical, psychological, emotional, spiritual - you name it (yes, each attendee makes their request). Even healing on animals and/or situations on the planet can be requested.

I will help you neutralize the many obstacles that keep you/everyone stuck, unhappy, afraid. I will also provide high frequency energy to empower all the good. This process will help enable you to access and utilize the expanded insights, perceptions, health, solutions, and resolutions that you carry within. A few of the many obstacles we all have are self-doubt, lack of self-worth, low self-esteem, and/or beliefs that we are inadequate, less than, or undeserving. All of these blocks and more will be addressed.

Each person is completely in charge of their healing, there is no hurt, harm, manipulation or control. It is your opportunity to unfold more easily and to unwind the chaos you may find ourselves in. You will also learn how to do this for yourselves. It isn’t difficult. It only requires a focus of attention.

Don’t worry that you will have to wait around for your turn. The way the process works, is that even when others are getting a healing, everyone else gets the benefit at the same time! That means that for the entire 2-hour meetup, everyone will be receiving healing, empowering, balancing, and/or getting questions answered throughout! Depending on the number of attendees, the meetup could go over time, but I accommodate anyone who has to leave earlier.

Each class is recorded and will be sent out to the participants and you can use it as a tool to do the healing again and again, clearing to deeper and deeper levels. However, please understand it is private, copyrighted, for your personal use only - not to share on social media.

Cost: $20 per class paid through Venmo.
Venmo link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 820 0802 0879
Mobile phone and email are requested as there will be an occasional document/other communication (including a recording of the meetup) sent before or after the group.
Time: Weekly Saturday morning 10:30 – 12:30 Pacific Time

Photo of The Higher Self Voice group
The Higher Self Voice
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Every week on Saturday

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