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New Meetup: A Friday Night Scramble in the Piedra Lisa Canyon

From: Sharon E.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 23, 2010, 11:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: A Friday Night Scramble in the Piedra Lisa Canyon

When: Friday, June 25,[masked]:00 PM

Piedra Lisa Canyon parking area
Camino de la Sierra NE
Albuquerque, NM 87111

Time: 6:00pm (please be prompt because we will leave by 6:05pm)
Location: Piedra Lisa CANYON (not the trail)
Directions: Click on the meeting location for specific directions.

Who Should Attend: Anyone who wants to feel like a kid again and scramble like one. ALSO, this should not be your first rock/scrambling event. Hikers that would enjoy this event are people that have hiked with me in the past OR anyone who has hiked with Tyrone on some of his scrambling hikes OR anyone that has some experience scrambling.

Hike Description: This hike is all about scrambling and not so much about hiking distance. We will be scrambling up, just as much as when we head down the canyon area. We will be hiking for approximately one hour and 45 minutes. Note: This is a technical, yet fun hike. We won't really be hiking on a trail and in many cases you will be able to choose your own path. Once we reach the northern peaks, you will be rewarded with fabulous views unlike you have ever seen because...okay, I won't share anymore...gotta keep it a surprise.

Dogs: Unfortunately, dogs are not welcomed on this hike because there is no trail and way too many rocks to climb.

Suggested Items to Bring:
1) Water (at least 24oz.)
2) Hiking Boots (highly recommended)
3) Hat and/or sunscreen
4) Bug Spray (highly recommended - the nats are insane)
5) Long pants

I will be at the trail head.

Learn more here: