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New Event: Moonlight Snowshoe

From: PeterM
Sent on: Tuesday, January 15, 2008, 1:56 AM
Announcing a new event for The Albuquerque Hiking and Outdoor Meetup!

What: Moonlight Snowshoe

When: Saturday, January 19, 5:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Can hike 4-5 miles and 600 feet of elevation change in snowshoes.

Event Description: Tom Mizner offers us this event, which is a joint event with Outdoor Events for Singles and with the Singles Meetup.

For those of you that would like to ventured out in the wilderness at night, here is your chance. Come out for snowshoeing fun under moonlight. All levels of experience are welcome - so don?t be intimidated. Meet at Franklin Plaza (NE corner of Central and Juan Tabo) at 5 PM to car pool to the Ellis Trail Head. If you live east of town, just meet us at the trailhead. We will walk around the crest awhile then head to the Tram for hot drinks, snack and a short rest. Then work our way back to the cars. Driving distance: 50 miles, walking distance: 4 - 5 miles, elevation: up to 600 feet. Must have warm winter weather clothing, waterproof boots, and liquid refreshments (water), snacks, but flashlights are optional. You can bring your own ski polls if you like.

Leader: Tom Mizner

Contact Tom Mizner on the RSVP list with any questions.

Learn more here: