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NEW EVENT: An Evening of Meandering Through the Streets of ABQ

From: Aaron G.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 9, 2008, 7:42 PM
Thursday, January 17, 2008 at 6:00 PM
(A location for this event hasn't been chosen yet)
Organized by
Aaron Greenwood


This will be a two-hour urban hike in the Nob Hill area of Albuquerque. We may find the answer to the question "Whither are we are drifting" then again we may not. Nevertheless, we will have a good time. What will be different about this hike is that the hike leader will not know where he is going until we get there. Strange as that seems this could be interesting.

We will be going hither and thither through the mean streets of Nob Hill to the Campus of UNM to urban reaches of Central Ave. We will stop to look in windows and move on. At the end of our seemingly directionless march we will sit and chat at Satellite Coffee.

Start Time: 6 PM
Length: 2 hours
Level: Easy
Environment: After Dark and Cold

Dress warmly.
Bring snacks and water.

If you have headlamps and flashlights bring them in case we need them.

Given the insane parking restrictions in Nob Hill and the demand for parking fees everywhere I will have to find a suitable area for us to park and meet. I will post an update by Saturday. If anyone has suggestions I will certainly welcome them.