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What we’re about

We do not know the whole extent of our lives and living. This is a fact for Tripute, Holistic collective concerned with a living not led by consciousness, not a premise or an idea that binds us together as another group, another Ideology or another point of reference. So:

We are here to see for ourselves what is out there and in here! Communing with a quality of seriousness that is not divorced from play

With Tripute there are no clients/customers, only people who are collectively exerting.

Together is not an aim, a wish or even a foundation, but nothing gets done without it.

We are openly wondering whether it is for you too to see this through, together.

Can it actually be done? Can we go about this together without a reference point other than our mutual presence and what comes about?

If so, here are the spaces we founded where you can apply to participate in:

  • Holistic Dialogue (HD) 'Psychedelic Conversation' is a place where individuals and groups can investigate and explore themselves and society in the moment, without relying on past knowledge.
  • SYNOPSIS 'Holistic Meditation' is a playground where we actively not build up a narrative or a story in our heads either on our own or as a group. We just let things happen without trying to make sense of them.

Upcoming events (4+)

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