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Are you a First time home buyer? Lets review some important points?

Photo of Moni
Hosted By
Moni .
Are you a First time home buyer? Lets review some important points?


If you are in the market ready to purchase your first home either now or in the next few years, this webinar will give you lots of ideas and perspectives.

What is a Stress test?
What are the critical ratios and what do banks look at before they approve?
Some savings vehicles newly introduced by the Government such as FHSA the first-time home buyer's savings account.
How important it is to keep your credit bureau straight with a high beacon score? How much Beacon score is good?
What CMHC (Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation is looking for?)
What are the hidden expenses and what are you getting into?
and many more points will be discussed.
-What if you DO NOT qualify, what other options are available?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact 604 842 2801 (Text or WhatsApp)

Presented By: Moni Chakraborti, CFP with 20 years experience in the banking industry

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Holistic Financial Planner and Coach
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