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Secrets at the Bottom of Your Tea Cup

From: Tina F.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 3, 2018, 6:17 AM

Join us Saturday January 6th @ 1pm


Center for Spiritual Living Menifee Valley

26805 Murrieta Ave.  Menifee

Reading Tea leaves is called “Tasseography.” This is a very old clairvoyant divination skill often associated with Gypsies. After the tea has been drunk, the cup is tipped over and drained. The leaves that stick to the cup form messages about our past, present, and future.

The first known tea leaf readings were in ancient China. This form of fortune-telling was introduced to Europe in the 1600s after tea became a fashionable drink.

In this age of teabags in mugs, the art of reading the leaves is nearly lost. The best readings are done with brewed, loose-leaf tea in bowl-shaped cups with matching saucers.

Come and have some fun, amaze yourself, and READ the LEAVES!

Tea Leaf Readings with Anita Burns.

For more about Anita, go to