What we’re about
Welcome to Homeschooling in Boynton Beach & Beyond!
We are a group of homeschool moms and children of all ages that love learning and growing together. This group was formed so that we could create a closer knit community. This group is meant to be an educational and social outlet for homeschooling families in Boynton Beach and surrounding areas (including but not limited to Delray Beach, Lake Worth, Lantana, and Boca Raton). Our group will meet for homeschool park days/recess, field trips, nature walks, crafts, member hosted classes, and holiday parties... to name a few.
Once a member, please join our private Facebook group to facilitate discussions:
MEMBERSHIP REQUIREMENTS: We welcome all philosophies on homeschooling, but we do require members to be actively homeschooling a child age 4 & up and live in our general area. Keep in mind that our events are geared towards school-age children 5+. By joining Homeschooling in Boynton Beach & Beyond you acknowledge that you will be an active member. We are 100% member driven for our calendar of events. We expect all members to schedule events, attend events, or help with events (especially parties).
Please only RSVP yes for something in which you intend to go to. Please update as soon as possible if your plans change. If you RSVP that you will be be attending and don't show up more than three times you will be removed from the group. No shows are hard on the organizers and do not shed a good light on our homeschool group with regard to field trips.
Members who are inactive within 3 months will be removed unless arrangements have been made. It is better to have a small vibrant community than a large group that never participates.
PROFILE INFORMATION: To be approved for membership, we require you to use your first/last name and post a photo of yourself on your profile. As many of our events are in-home, this is for the safety of our hosts and members, and it allows us to match you with your Facebook profile when you join our private group. If you do not have a profile photo I will not accept your request to join until it has been changed.
LIABILITY RELEASE: By joining Homeschooling in Boynton Beach & Beyond and in choosing to participate in activities scheduled by any member of the group, you agree that there may be risks involved with participation, and that all risks may not be expected or anticipated based on the description of the group or the description of any specific event or activity. You voluntarily consent to fully accept and assume all risks associated with you, your child(ren), your family member(s) your foster child(ren), and/or your invited guest(s) participation in any activity organized by any member of Homeschooling in Boynton Beach & Beyond. You agree that the group's Owner, Organizer, Co-organizers, Assistant Organizers and Event Organizers are not in any way responsible for accidents or incidents that may occur as a result of your participation in the Homeschooling in Boynton Beach & Beyond.