What we’re about
Follow us on Instagram! https://www.instagram.com/hoopshipssips
There's a reason you never see an angry hula hooper. For me hooping is therapeutic, meditative and some how gives me a feeling of being oh so free while I'm in the circle. In addition to all of that, it's fun and a sneaky little core toning cardio workout!
Remember how you used to love hula hooping as a kid, and now you see a child's hoop, pick it up, spin it around your waist and it falls right to the ground? Don't worry! You still got it, it's just that those little plastic hoops are far too light and small for us grown and sexy big kids. But anyone can hula hoop with the right size hoop!
So I've handcrafted some gorgeous, weighted adult hula hoops to help us get back in the groove, tone up, be free spirited and have fun! (If you want to come to the studio and make your own just let me know.)
Check the calendar and join us for weather permitting outdoor hooping events, enjoying fresh air and beautiful scenery at various locations. We'll be hip swiveling as we casually network, tone our core and burn calories to great music and sometimes enjoy a lil sip. Because hula hooping is not just for kids anymore!
Grab your friends and come find your flow with a twist of those hips.