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Coffee & Conversations for Freelance Creatives

Photo of Saeid Halvaeian
Hosted By
Saeid H.
Coffee & Conversations for Freelance Creatives


Freelance Creatives in Houston -- we're back to hosting monthly events.

If you're a creative freelancer in Houston, this is the one and only event for you! We meet every single month at different and unique-to-Htown coffeeshops to talk about our freelance businesses and lifestyles!

Being a freelancer has it's own set of unique challenges and successes and Houston Freelance Creatives aims to be the best way to socialize and connect with other creatives in-person, share our stories, ask deep questions, receive honest feedback, and celebrate our new gigs and wins.

Our goal for every event is for each person to leave with one new takeaway: whether that be a new opportunity, a new tool or direction to try the next day, or a new friendly connection made 💛 So come on out, bring your questions, and definitely bring your experiences -- we'd love to have you!

To offset Meetup's hosting costs, I am collecting $10/event. Please consider becoming a Supporter on Patreon for $3/mo. Additionally, I'll soon offer an online membership with monthly and lifetime options -- email me at if you're interested in learning more about the membership or helping out with the group.

Everyone in attendance can expect an opportunity to introduce themselves to the group and tell us about yourself and the work you do! Afterwards, we'll either let conversation flow naturally or use what's called Lean Coffee to guide our discussions.

Lean Coffee - Everyone in attendance can unlimited suggest topics for discussion. Attendees will each get two votes to select topics of interest. As a group, we'll discuss each topic for 6-8 minutes in order of popularity.

All attendees get access to a Google Doc where we'll share takeaways from the event and stay connected afterwards. Each event will have it's own Google Doc for that cohort of attendees.

Houston Freelance Creatives is for graphic designers, illustrators, web designers/developers, photographers, video editors, motion graphics animators, UI/UX designers, writers, and many more -- who want to connect with other like-minded freelancers in the Houston community.

I've been hosting this event since 2013. I started it at the same time I launched my own graphic design company, because I realized really quickly that just a knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator wasn't going to cut it! I needed to learn the business side of freelancing and the best way for me to learn that was with other people. This group has grown to become something I could have never imagined.

If you do creative work on a computer, and want to learn from and share what you know with others -- we hope you'll join us!

Photo of Houston Freelance Creatives group
Houston Freelance Creatives
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Roast & Brew
931 W 19th St · Houston, TX