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Fwd: Unusual Underberg Menu at Charivari

From: Simone
Sent on: Saturday, November 17, 2012, 2:37 PM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Pablo Valqui <[address removed]>
Subject: Unusual Underberg Menu at Charivari
Date: November 16,[masked]:52:55 PM CST
To: Pablo Valqui <[address removed]>
Bcc: [address removed]

Hello to all

To close the year of group dinners at Charivari, Chef Johann Schuster has come up with a nice, winter-appropriate menu, made entirely with Underberg. For those not familiar with Underberg, it is a herb liquor (not liqueur as it has by itself 44% of alcohol) from Rheinberg, Germany, made with herbs from 43 different countries. The motto of the company concerning the recipe is "semper idem" (always the same), because it is made the same way since its foundation in 1846. I would place it in categories similar to Unicum, Killepitsch, Becherovka, Fernet Branca and similars.

After this meal the recipe for Underberg will still be the same, but your perception of digestifs and specially of the infamous competitor of Underberg Jaegermeister will not be the same. 

For this meal I will reserve as usual a table for 20 people, if you want to join this table let me know, otherwise please call adn reserve directly with the restaurant. The price of 55 USD will include pairing beverages with each course.

Thanks a lot to all that attended during 2012 and hopefully we will be able to have a few more dinners in 2013. Chef Schusters creativity is far from reaching the limits and he also thanks all of those attending.


Pablo Valqui
2100 Bering Drive, #745
Houston, Texas 77057
Cell.: ([masked]
E-mail priv: [address removed]

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