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What is Charlie watching on Netflix? (& next Sunday)

From: HappyCharles
Sent on: Sunday, February 4, 2018, 4:56 PM

Stuff I'm enjoying on Netflix that is also improving my German:

Dark - This is a Netflix original with German actors, all in German with German subtitles. Sci-Fi with time travel. Pretty cool:

Babylon Berlin - another Netflix original. This highly anticipated blockbuster just came out Wednesday. I can't wait to start watching this. It's directed by Tom Tyker, you know, the director of Run Lola Run, auf Deutsch Rennt Lola Rennt, so you know it's going to be good: (in German with German subtitles).

Erased - A powerful Japanese series about a guy who accidentally "slips" back in time when something tragic is about to happen. The audio is Japanese but it has subtitles available in German, so I just read along in German. The level of conversation is pretty easy to follow.

Black - A Korean series about a young woman who can sense when someone is about to die by seeing a "shadow" next to them. Although she has always viewed her ability as a curse, someone tries to convince her it's actually a blessing because she may be able to help some people avoid an early demise. The audio is in Korean, but I happily read along with the German subtitles. Outstanding show! Because of the plentiful police work happening in the show, I am now confident that I will never forget the word for "search warrant" as the police in this show are always trying to get one. I can also thank this show for teaching me the German phrase, "to take a leak" because of the police officer in this show with the small bladder who the other police officers are always teasing because he is always having to run for a tinkle.

What shows are you watching on Netflix to improve your German?

Sunday, February 11th

Don't forget about this next Sunday afternoon, February 11th for our next meetup! Where and when you ask? Click here:

Mark your calendars for Wednesday, February 21st and Sunday, March 11th as well for more German meetups. Click here for our online calendar:

See you soon,
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