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The Harry-est Town in America

From: KateKintail
Sent on: Thursday, July 31, 2008, 11:38 AM
First, I'll reiterate my thanks to EVERYONE who made the birthday party such a
success- especially our fearless organizer/cat herder, Delma :-) Thank you all!

Second, when I was on obsessing about the new Beedle the Bard book
(oooooh shiny! Must buy one now!), I noticed that has a list of the
Harry-est towns and states in America. Check out how many are nearby! And the
"winner" is Falls Church! In the top 100, Virginia appears 10 times & Maryland

The Top 100 Harry-est Towns in America:
1. Falls Church, Virginia
2. Gig Harbor, Washington
3. Fairfax, Virginia
4. Vienna, Virginia
5. Katy, Texas

Go Northern Virginia HP fans who bought the last book from! I'd love
to see a list of sales from all suppliers and all books throughout the nation.
But I bet that's a bit more difficult to compile.

And I guess *some* people who go on vacation and *have* to buy their copies when
they're out of town because they can't wait until they get home for their
pre-ordered copies would throw off the location stats a little, too ;-)


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