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What we’re about

Boston Web Technology (BWT) is a vibrant community dedicated to the exploration and advancement of modern web technologies. Our focus spans from foundational tools like HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to cutting-edge frameworks such as React and Vue.js, as well as innovative no-code platforms like Framer.

We delve into performance optimization techniques, accessibility standards, and emerging trends in web design and development. BWT provides a platform for developers, designers, and tech enthusiasts to learn, collaborate, and innovate.

Through diverse events, hands-on workshops, and engaging discussions, we aim to foster growth, share knowledge, and drive the future of web development, positioning Boston as a leading hub for web technology excellence in 2024 and beyond. Join us on our journey to shape the web's future!

We also send out monthly newsletters with awesome events, opportunities, and other resources to help our members get connected and succeed!

HTML5 Boston is organized by Boston New Technology, a not-for-profit startup, technology, and business community of 50k professionals, whose mission is to help startups and local businesses launch and grow! BNT's network includes 16 meetup groups and extends to Austin, Texas!

Would you like to engage BNT's member network to receive extensive publicity for your company's products, services, job openings, and/or events?

If you're interested in partnering with BNT or have any suggestions or questions, please contact the organizing team via email at: Organizers "at"

This group is dedicated to providing a harassment-free and inclusive event experience for all members/participants. Please review our policies here, for attending events and engaging fellow members online and in real life.

We look forward to seeing you!

Upcoming events (1)

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