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How about a couple days, and nights, in Laughlin NV?
Susie Lind (and David Kelsey) is taking the lead on this trip. I'm leaving on a 2 week, 3,000-mile ride, right about then.
She has booked their room at the Golden Nugget, after some research; covered motorcycle specific parking, and a bunch of close by restaurants.
If there is enough interest Susie will contact the Hotel and try to get a group discount.
The route over will likely be Rte. 66. Side trips can include Oatman and The Rte. 66 Museum in Kingman.
So contact Susie at 626-456-2140 and work out the details with her.
This could really be a fun trip!

Photo of CARR:  Central Arizona Road Riders Motorcycle Club group
CARR: Central Arizona Road Riders Motorcycle Club
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