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Quelling Tinnitus with Hypnotherapy

Photo of Troy J. Bacon
Hosted By
Troy J. B.
Quelling Tinnitus with Hypnotherapy


If you have it, you know that tinnitus is obnoxious. Perhaps you are one of the millions of Americans who has it bad and it has disrupted your focus, work life, happiness and marriage and family life. It can drive people crazy and to try hundreds of different products and spend thousands or even millions of dollars on remedies, only to find no cure and to be told that there is nothing that can be done.

As a WA Department of Health Licensed clinical Hypnotherapist specializing in Tinnitus Treatment, I can tell you that tinnitus is treatable, and I have heard of cases where it has been cured.

In this presentation I will tell my story of developing tinnitus from a young age, how it progressively got worse for me, my diagnoses and the episode that made it truly unbearable for me and triggered me to get serious treatment. I will tell my hypnotherapy story and my stories of success, fluctuation, 'getting back on the horse' of managing my condition and my success in turning down my ringing and freeing myself from the suffering.

After the presentation we will have sufficient time for Q&A and I am glad to answer any questions you may have. I suggest that you have paper and a writing tool to take notes.

This is a repeat event and will be occurring on the first Sunday of the month.

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New Being Hypnosis & Reiki Community
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Every 1st Monday of the month

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