What we’re about
Welcome to the Hypnotic Psychedelic Integration Circle!
Individuals interested in personal transformation and healing through the lens of no-fixed self, neuroplasticity, and personal well-being are invited to gather in community to receive and celebrate personal change work.
In this space, we're not trying to "be better", follow "the rules" to "be good", or striving to fix "what's wrong with you." Rather, trusting this incarnation is a hero's journey, and your greatest treasure is within you.
This is a nurturing experience to expand into full vitality, play at the edges of your personal agency and release the old programming you unconsciously adopted early in life to keep yourself safe.
We'll practice somatic exercise to feel safe within your own body, hypnotic trance, and psychedelic integration.
Molly is an expert in integrative change work, hypnotic psychedelic integration, and somatic experiencing. You're warmly invited to connect with like-minded individuals, expand your consciousness, and embark on a profound journey towards growth and self-discovery. Let's create the world we want to live in together.