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Let Us Know Your Thoughts

From: Daniel E
Sent on: Monday, July 30, 2012, 8:20 PM

Fellow Wine Lovers,

I am doing some research to see how many of our members would be interested in attending a special event where we would make our own wine! There is a place in south Chicago that would teach us how to make our own wine! This event would cost participants up to $125; however, participants would walk away with between 8 and 10 bottles of wine. The event would be two parts over two different days. During the first part we would make the wine. The second part would be bottling and corking the wine. If you would be interested in attending this event, please e-mail me at [address removed] by August 15th, 2012. If we get enough interest, I will set up the event for September with part two in October.


Additionally, we are in need of hosts for October, November, January, and February. If you would be willing to host a party, please e-mail me at [address removed]
