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Usual Meeting Agenda Details useful to New members

From: stephen
Sent on: Monday, April 7, 2008, 5:20 PM
What we do in the meeting-

The meeting is scheduled to start at 7:00 pm but I usually have the doors open by 6:pm. You are welcome to come early to socialize or network with others in the group.

The meeting usually begins with introductions and a listing of questions or topics members of the group want covered at the meeting. I will present a stock market review. Ned Purcival ,one of my assistant organizers, and I will be prepared to discuss our recent and current stock picks. You are invited to share your CANSLIM stock picks or ideas from your holdings or watch list for analysis at the meeting as well. We usually have a special presentation on some basic and advanced IBD portfolio management techniques. I always try to leave you with one or more stocks that I think may turn out to be a good investment in the next few days.

Some of you will want to participate in the discussion, and we encourage it ,but you may also just listen. I f you would like to send me questions or topics you wish covered at the meeting in advance please send them to me by e-mail.

Anyone interested in sharpening their investing knowledge and skill should attend. Newcomers are always welcome. I suggest you look at some of the basic educational materials free at or jump into William O'Neils books ,How to Make Money In Stocks and the The Successful Investor, in order to avoid being lost at the beginning of the meeting. As time goes on,you will learn advanced stock picking,trading and portfolio management techniques. You will also meet others who are trying to be their own portfolio manager or independent trader.

Please e-mail me or call with your suggestions for the agenda, meetings or group activities. Also let me know if you are willing to help with future meeting arrangements, program topics or presentations.

You can get directions to the Library at

Again ,please RSVP your intentions.

Steve Swadley
[address removed]

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