What we’re about
Ce groupe s'adresse à toutes les personnes intéressées par le développement d'applications, les APIs, le cloud, le cognitif ou encore l'intelligence artificielle. Professionnels de l'informatique, entrepreneurs, étudiants ou simple curieux sont invités à nous rejoindre. Les Meetups peuvent prendre la forme d'une table ronde, d'une conférence ou encore de sessions de mise en pratique, ils seront animés par des professionnels IBM passionnés, des témoignages clients, des intégrateurs...
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What is IBM Cloud?
IBM® Cloud™ is an open-standards, cloud-based platform for building, managing, and running apps of all types, such as web, mobile, big data, and smart devices. Capabilities include Java, mobile back-end development, and application monitoring, as well as features from ecosystem partners and open source - all provided as-a-service in the cloud.
IBM Cloud is built on the Cloud Foundry open source technology that provides mobile and web developers access to IBM software for integration, security, transaction, and other key functions, as well as software from business partners. Our cloud offers more control to application developers by using its Platform as a Service (PaaS) offering, and also provides pre-built Mobile Backend as a Service (MBaaS) capabilities. The goal is to simplify the delivery of an application by providing services that are ready for immediate use and hosting capabilities to enable internal scale development.
With the broad set of services and runtimes in IBM Cloud, the developer gains control and flexibility, and has access to various data options, from predictive analytics to big data.