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Cash Flow game, video and pizza...

From: Arleen B.
Sent on: Wednesday, January 4, 2012, 9:21 AM
Please mark your calendar  for Sunday January 15th for the Cash Flow Game and let me know if you plan to come and play.  We will play from 2-5 and then watch the video and have some pizza, for those who want to stay.  We did not have a group at our last meeting to watch the DVD- video with Kim Kiyosaki is called, "Good Deal, Bad Deal".  So we will do it on the 15th. The DVD cover says that "Most real estate deals are bad deals. How do you find good deals?" ... Amateurs buy the bad deals that cost them money.  Don't be an amateur!"

Who would like to bring snacks  for the game?  Invite your friends, but please let me know who is coming by Friday Jan 13th if you are coming.  Then I will confirm directly with you. Remember kids of all ages are invited.

Arleen R Brown 

August Real Estate Investments LLC  ~  and  ~ Reach High Investments LLC
PO Box[masked]
Ft Collins, Colorado 80527
[masked] x 3
[address removed]

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