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RE: [realestate-REITC] Arlington, TX 76006 Brick 3/2/2

From: Darick F.
Sent on: Tuesday, August 26, 2014, 12:22 PM
HUGE Deal!
5 bedroom, 2 bath, 1 car garage!
AVR: $105,000
Solid Repair Est. $10,000
Price to Serious Investor $70,000
Deposit: $3,000
730 Rutgers - Lancaster. Home is listed with city for 3 bedroom, but it is a solid 5 bedroom. 
Call me now. House ready for viewing... Darick Favors (214)[masked] 
--------- Original Message ---------
Subject: [realestate-REITC] Arlington, TX 76006 Brick 3/2/2
From: "Lydia" <[address removed]>
Date: 8/11/14 11:07 am
To: [address removed]

ARLINGTON, TX 76006 of 2115 LavonCreekLn

3 bed - 2 bath - 2 car attached garage
Living sqft - 1,952
Year built - 1979

Price: $99,000 Cash
Est. ARV: $160,000
Est. Repairs: $23,000
Rental Repairs: $14,000
Est. Market Rent: $1,200

Needs: Kitchen, floor, paint, bath, some foundation, misc.

$ Cash Only $
$2,500 non-refundable deposit to lock this up
Buyer pays all closing costs
Property sold as-is
Close date: As Soon Possible

Please Do Your Own Due Diligence Before Signing Contract.
Call/Text/Email me for access.

Thank you,
Lydia Ortiz
[address removed]

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