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Corrections to the previous e-mail

From: Kavit M.
Sent on: Thursday, January 9, 2014, 3:08 PM

Hello all,

I would like to apologise for pasting an incorrect section in the previous email that I just sent. I was reading something and copied and pasted a section from the Australian User group's newsletter in error.

The points in error were

1) I’m really hoping to serve another term and I feel like there’s still lots to be done to represent Australia on the Board and make sure international matters are front and centre of the agenda.


This should read, I am really hoping to get elected to the Foundation Board and I feel like there's lots to be done to represent India on the board. We are a vibrant and fast growing community and it is time we have this represented to the OpenStack Foundation governance structure. By being elected I will endeavour to bring the voice of our community to the decisions made by the Foundation that affect the project that many of us rely on for our employment. I will also work towards maintaining a balance between the interest of the vendors and the interests of the community in the foundation decision making process.



2) I recently put forward a proposal to build on the work of the OpenStack User Committee user surveys and hold a - Users/Operators day preceding the next OpenStack Summit. I'm of the impression that our Australian OpenStack community is predominately User/Operators over Developers so I really want to ask for input of the experiences you've had using OpenStack.


This section should read, Tristan Goode has put forward a proposal to build on the work of the OpenStack User Committee user surveys and hold a - Users/Operators day preceding the next OpenStack Summit. I feel this will help keep developers on track by creating a feedback loop and bringing to light the issues real users face with real deployments at scale. It will also help close the gap on incomplete features that are show stoppers in real world deployments.


Please accept my apologies for the same.

