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New Meetup: Managing Technical Debt Fishbowl

From: Anthony P.
Sent on: Tuesday, January 12, 2010, 2:51 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Indianapolis ALT.NET Meetup Group!

What: Managing Technical Debt Fishbowl

When: Thursday, January 21,[masked]:30 PM

Easy Street Realty
8200 Haverstick Road Suite 110
Indianapolis, IN 46240

Speakers: You!!

NEW LOCATION! See the details below!!

We all want to create the perfectly-designed systems, who doesn't? But unfortunately, this is not always a reality. We want to spend an extra week to make sure a certain module is nice and tidy, but you simply cannot afford a week delay to the deadline to do this. What do you do? You know that leaving it a mess is the quick approach and that when you release, the system will still work just fine. But you also know that's not the right thing to do. You know leaving it this way will come back to bite you. For this exact reason, this is why we call these sorts of shortcuts (and many others) Technical Debt. You benefit from it now only to pay for it later.

This month, we will have a Fishbowl Discussion talking about how to make the best decisions when it comes to Technical Debt. We all know that there is no way we can possibly avoid it. Whether we have to accrue Technical Debt for money reasons, time reasons, or simply because you don't know what the "proper" way is, it's a reality that we all must face, often on a daily basis. There are ways that you can take shortcuts where they won't come back to bite you but in a way where you can still quickly implement it without investing much time. This, among other things, are what we will be talking about.

Pizza and networking will begin around 5:15 with the technology discussion beginning at 6:00.

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