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What we’re about

There is something really powerful about being in community with those that have been (or are) where you are. And there is something really, really profound about intimate partner betrayal that makes it incredibly difficult for others to understand unless they have been "there" as well.

I, my friends, have been there.

As an RN and a Betrayal Trauma and Transformational Coach, I am here to sit with you as you put together the pieces of your life so that you may move forward with love, grace, inspiration, an intact self-esteem, and a sense of hope that your future does indeed include deep and profound healing.

Together we rise and together we reclaim our own selves and our own lives to once again THRIVE!!!

This group meets every two week, with the potential to meet weekly on an individual basis.

So looking forward to supporting your healing and growth. I believe in you and I believe in the power of our community!