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New Meetup: Silent Weekend Retreat - Living From Abundance

From: Gina R.
Sent on: Monday, October 25, 2010, 10:45 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for Infinite Smile Sangha!

What: Silent Weekend Retreat - Living From Abundance

When: Friday, March 18,[masked]:30 PM

Where: Mt. Madonna
445 Summit Road
Watsonville, CA 95076

Despite the fact that many of us are feeling depleted or lacking in some way, there is a timeless teaching that can potentially shift our perspective. Imagine living from a place where, instead of feeling like a great deal is missing, we meet our lives from a place of utter fulfillment. This weekend retreat will offer an approach to living in this way. Each day will involve sitting meditation (zazen), walking meditation (kinhin) and dharma talks followed by Q&A, as well as practice interviews (dokusan) with Michael.

Cost & Registration: Total cost per person including retreat, meals and lodging ranges from $221 to $411 for the entire weekend.

It is not too early to sign up. This retreat is not posted on our website, if you wish to secure your place now, please contact Susan ([address removed]).

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