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Looking for feedback on my latest Android app

From: gd
Sent on: Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 2:10 PM
Hi All,

I have made some major updates on Geogad's guided tour application for travelers on Android. Before I put it on the Android Market, I would appreciate any feedback from other developers and other travelers. Let me know what you think about the look, feel and layout of the app, (and anything else that comes to your mind).

Since the app is not on the Android Market, you have to change a few setting on your phone before you download the app. Don't worry; it's easy. All the details to do this are covered quite well in the embedded video at

After you set your phone to download third-party apps, you can download the Geogad app at

The other benefit to checking out the Geogad Android app is that I will be at the Informal Android Developer Meetup tonight at Red Rock. I can show you how I got the features working on my app and can give you some pointers for Android apps that you are working on.

Georgi Dagnall
Newbie Android Developer

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