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RE: [softwaredev-154] TabHost question

From: gd
Sent on: Saturday, May 9, 2009, 12:02 PM
Hi Brian,

I have not used TabActivity before, but I would guess that it is similar to a ListActiivty and its Adapter. In ListActivity, Android recycles the views in the list as the user scrolls. If you are not careful, old data can show up when the view is recycled.


Subject: [softwaredev-154] TabHost question
From: [address removed]
To: [address removed]
Date: Fri, 8 May[masked]:42:44 -0400

Has anyone run into this particular issue before? I'm trying to write a TabActivity with two tabs, and am seeing the elements from the second tab being rendered when the first tab is selected ( that is, in addition to the elements of the first tab, so that both are appearing ). I've been able to get the same thing to happen in a simple example ( a modification of a demo I downloaded ).

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