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I know some of you may not be looking for a new opportunity but….

From: Mel
Sent on: Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 12:44 PM
I am part of in house Talent Acquisition at an exciting pre launch startup called MobilePages. MobilePages offer the first 2-way mobile texting and calling using names, subjects or images instead of phone numbers. We are seeking individuals with skill sets in IOS and Android mobile development. Our positions are telecommuting with a meeting or two per week in person to group think ideas. While our homepage is purposely dark you can find more information about us on our LinkedIn page

Would you be open to having a conversation to learn more about what we are doing? I think you will be very interested.

If you aren't interested, possibly you know someone who might be?


Melonie Pederson
MobilePages, Inc.
[address removed]