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Tomorrow's WordPress Meetup, Dinner & More

From: Verious Smith I.
Sent on: Monday, August 6, 2018, 1:32 PM
Happy Monday IEWP Fanatics!


In anticipation of tomorrow’s meeting I am sending this email to inform you that we will be having pre-meetup dinner at Lake Alice in Downtown Riverside.

Dinner starts at 5:30 PM and I have listed the address below.

Lake Alice
3616 University Ave, 
Riverside, CA 92501


incase you have not RSVP to tomorrows meetup and are not familiar about the topic,  we will be having a Guest Speaker Joe Dickson will be speaking on Child Themes.

There are two other opportunities for you to get out and meet other business owners and members of the Inland Empire WordPress Meetup.

(NEW) IEWP WordPress Workshop Night

The IEWP Dev Meetup  

Hope to see everyone soon.

IEWP Organizing Team

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