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This wednesday : Special event in the sport bar upstairs

From: Paul de G.
Sent on: Monday, September 29, 2014, 10:58 PM

Hi dear socializers,

For a long time I have not had time to get a drink around a table.

Wednesday will be a bit special. 
The meeting point is different, we will end up behind the bar, upstairs in the sports bar.  Try to spread the word. 

For those who want to speak a foreign language or doing language exchanges there will always be the flag badge that will also allow you as usual to play the game to win a free shot and by the way meet new people.
The space will not be privatized, it is smaller and there will be many other international and backpackers who will join us. So it will be crowdy ;) 

There will be a Beer pong table and pool table is free for us. 
So, I invite you to join us for a drink in another area to explore. 
Try to welcome new socializers and come with friends for a chat over a drink or enjoy the live music 

For once, I'll try not to hold anything and spend some time with anyone who wants to participate in the development of socializus project.  
I'd be there for them. 
Do not worry as usual everyone is welcome.  
So let's talk all together in all languages and socialize us this wednesday ;)


event link

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